ConectoHub Trello Power-Up

ConectoHub OKR for Trello is a powerful plugin for outcome-focused teams. It aligns your teams across the company goals, gets everyone on the same page and keeps your team focused on what really matters!


  • Select which card is contributing which OKR,
  • Update OKR progress by completing Trello cards,
  • Send OKR check-ins from Trello,
  • Sort Trello cards by OKRs

1- Linking Trello Cards to OKRs

Select the Key Results you want to link your Trello cards.

2- Sort OKRs by Ownership and Type(Company, Team and Individual)

3- Set up new OKR

Select +Add new OKR button 

Enter the name of Objective

Add Key Results to your OKR set.

4- Check-in

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