
In ConectoHub, you can create personal Dashboards to track team's performance and analyze the different metrics of users in your team such as worklad, deadline performance etc.
1. Open the Dashboards menu in the Control Panel and click "Add Dashboard".

2. Create your board with "+" by typing your Board name in the input field that appears.

3. After creating your dashboard, you can personalize your dashboard with widgets in ConectoHub.

3.1. Team's Performance Report
a.To create this component, you must select the component name, teams and the time period.

b. You can see Assigned, Completed, Overdue and Ongoing users' tasks of single or multiple teams you selected. You can also view the details of the tasks by clicking on the user detail icon.

c. You can adjust the dimensions of the component you created at any scale you want.

d. You can click the "..." icon in the upper right to remove the component or adjust its settings on the build page.

3.2. Creating a Workload Bar Chart
a. To add a new widget to your dashboard, click the "+Create Component" button at the top right.

b. After filling in the relevant fields of the component, click the create button.

c. You can see the workload of your teams and the tasks that overdue, ongoing and completed in selected time periodd. In order to see the Completed, Ongoing and Overdue task counts of the users in your team, you can choose at the top right.

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